Psalm of the Day                                                         Bread of Life                                                            Psalm 136:1–9



Psalm 136:1–9


His Steadfast Love Endures Forever


1Give thanks to the Lord, for | he is good,*

         for his steadfast love endures for- | ever.


2Give thanks to the | God of gods,*

         for his steadfast love endures for- | ever.


3Give thanks to the | Lord of lords,*

         for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;


4to him who alone does great | wonders,*

         for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;


5to him who by understanding made the | heavens,*

         for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;


6to him who spread out the earth above the | waters,*

         for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;


7to him who made the | great lights,*

         for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;


8the sun to rule o- | ver the day,*

         for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;


9the moon and stars to rule o- | ver the night,*

         for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;